Sunday, May 4, 2008

To really grasp the implications and possibilities here, we must first clean the carbon deposits out of our minds. Using waterfuel is an approach to our cars and fuel that requires more participation from us. The whole water energy system consists of physical components PLUS your mind and attitudes about fuel consumption. To really optimize your waterfuel system, you will also be using fuel warmer, some Kiker wires to improve the spark, Xylene to add to your gasoline, a low-friction synthetic motor oil, a couple bottles of fuel treatment to clean carbon deposits from old unburned fuel out of your engine, a MAP sensor enhancer to keep the car computer from over-correcting the fuel mix back to over-rich, tires that are always fully inflated, and a real-time mileage tracker so that you won't have to use an entire tank of gas to know what mileage you are getting.

Perhaps the most important thing is this

Trust yourself.

Trust yourself. When you use an "alternative" fuel-efficiency system, you are an experimenter who is going against the herd and chances are, you are going to get some flack. Don't be fooled by self-appointed "experts" who don't have hands-on experience and say it can't be done. When they laugh or frown or condescend and say, "It's scientifically impossible," well, first of all, you know they are not "true scientists" (so why are they acting like they know what "scientifically" means?). Ask them if they have ever tried it themselves. You will find they have not. Further discussion might be fruitless, but you can try. Tell them to just wait and see. See for yourself. Don't wait ten years for big industry to do it because they don't want to GIVE you anything--they are only thinking about what they can GET from you while they continue making empty promises.

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bout life n some wish  

terkadang banyak orang yang mengeluh dengan kehidupan
terkadang banyak yang bingung akan masa depan
ada juga yang tidak tau apa yang harus di lakukan
ada pula yang mengalah dalam hidup
kita smua tau
hidup hanya permainan waktu
tak peduli kita bergerak atau diam di tempat
waktu akan terus bergerak
tanpa kita sadari
segala keluhan kita
segala kebingungan kita
segala macam apa yang kita pikirkan
kerap hadir dalam kehidupan kita
untuk itu

kita kudu usahakan berpikir positif dalam hidup dan jangan pernah mengeluh meski kadang hidup teramat berat bagi kita,
teringat kata seorang sahabat
hidup ini indah tapi berat
sebenarnya ga da yang berat dalam hidup ini
hanya saja itu semua tergantung persepsi kita nanggapin nya gimana
buat temen2 yang punya masalah dalam hidup
pesen ane
jangan pernah menyerah dan tetap semangat serta yakin dan berdo'a lah
insyaAllah suatu saat apa yang anda inginkan datang ke kehidupan anda

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